The Rise of Entrepreneurial Parties in European Politics
Authors: prof. PhDr. Vít Hloušek, Ph.D., prof. PhDr. Lubomír Kopeček, Ph.D., Mgr. et Mgr. Petra Vodová, Ph.D.
Vít Hloušek, Lubomír Kopeček and Petra Vodová (Dept. of Political Science FSS MUNI) authored a new book on entrepreneurial parties in Western and East-Central Europe. The book was published by the Palgrave Macmillan publishing house.
This book offers a thorough comparative analysis of such ‘business-firm’ and sometimes oddly memberless parties in Western and East-Central Europe, assessing the considerable corpus of literature on the growing band of political entrepreneurs. The authors offer a unique typology based on two characteristics: whether the party receives private financial, media or other investment; and the nature of its membership and territorial structure.
The book is available from this link: