Doctoral studies

International Relations and European Politics

Postgraduate doctoral programme has an irreplaceable place at the Department of International Relations and European Studies. Those interested in deeper understanding may continue exploring the chosen topic within a doctoral program in International Relations and European Politics. The requirement for the admission is the completion of similar or the same Master’s degree at the FSS MU or at the faculty of other university.

Within the four years of study, the students fulfil the study tasks aimed at preparing them to work in highly competitive international environment. During the studies the doctoral program trainees get to publishing activities in domestic as well as international professional periodicals, improve their presentation, critical and analytical skills, etc.  

Doctoral study at the Faculty of Social Studies MU is available full-time or combined, in Czech or in English language. All (full-time as well as combined) students have the same study obligations. Full-time students are also involved in research and teaching activities and receive a monthly scholarship. The study is organized according to framework of the curriculum. The Department puts emphasis on ability of students to work at domestic as well as international academic and research institutions, therefore it offers a wide range of short and long study stays abroad.

The Doctoral programme study is fully included in the credit system. Standard length of doctoral programmes is four years. Based on a successful dissertation thesis defence and passing the state doctoral examination, the graduates are granted a PhD degree. 

For more information on doctoral programme in International Relations and European Politics please visit respective website.

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