Simona Dianová and Monika Brusenbauch Meislová Analyze “Project Fear” in LSE’s European Politics and Policy Blog

17 Jan 2025

Simona Dianová and Monika Brusenbauch Meislová authored an article featured in the London School of Economics and Political Science’s Blog on European Politics and Policy. In their analysis, they examine the concept of "Project Fear," which describes accusations against the Remain campaign for employing fear-based rhetoric to highlight the potential risks and consequences of leaving the EU during the 2016 Brexit referendum.

The Leave campaign frequently criticized the Remain side for employing excessive negativity and fear-based rhetoric. Through a detailed examination of a dataset of public speeches, Simona and Monika investigate the realities behind these accusations, shedding light on the role fear-based appeals played in shaping public opinion.

You can read the whole article here .

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